Sunday, January 22, 2012

MAD writing 2011

More more moe low woh wow bow how endowed endured in fact houred you weasel you tidbit you loveable hugeable tugable wugable hated but not hateable loveable but not loved shoved into the corner over and over bye bye bye hi hi hi shy shy shy why why why cry cry cry dont lie dont lie dont lie die before you lie or at least try at least stick a needle in the corner of your eye just to remember to say no to the liar unless your just another buyer hiks wiks sticks chicks hot not fought lots tough weak sheek nerd geek freak weird loud proud quiet now later beforegator insist in fact in time get back boogie woogie in fact time to get back boogie woogie on down the road toe to toe with the big bad baby barbie friendly monster  Disney princess prince king queen Sesame Street Heroe Heroine

The funnies by MAD

Wiggle jiggle jiggle jiggle wiggle jiggle wiggle wiggle wiggle jiggle jiggle wiggle jiggle
Boopedebo bopedebam bopedezam bopedewam
zot zat zit zvt did didnt do don't will won't
pray say hey to the Good Lord Boopedezam Boopedezoom alacazoo alaca you alacaboom alacazoomned
the craetir thye creator the creation teh craeted the wounds of the wounded preparing prepared preperation condemnation
 azot azoot azool azzob azzing azzaing
a wing a wong a wot a little a bit a fiddle
No good stinking mother fuckin cock sucking piece of fucking shit dirt bags  eh kids remember no swearingmummee only except for on paper write it down over and over and then when you see mummee tell her to fuck herself for free for fun even to cum The Good Lord